Time for yourself
Allowing leaders to chart their professional path
Be and Become supports Leaders in their missions to combine performance and accomplishment
Violaine Isaac, Senior Executive Coach, Supervisor, Founder
” In a fast-changing world, driven by technologies, search for performance and eco-responsibility new challenge, today’s organizations are a demanding and fast-paced context, rich in paradoxes, with a constant need of transformation. It requires leaders to take a step back, be self-aware, and think globally.
They need personal and strategic strong beacons to embody a clear and inspiring direction, protect well-being at work, and preserve themselves.
Coaching enables them to reflect on their values, strengths and personal vision within their company, based on strategic, business, human and eco-societal parameters. It also helps them to go beyond, think about their ideal, and overcome old patterns and beliefs. Feel freer to take decisions.
With this deeper understanding of themselves and of real challenges, they can chart their leadership development path and succeed in their missions.”
Years of coaching
UNDICI-ESQA Supervisor
Tensional Transactional Analysis
IFOD-Paris Coaching
Leadership Effectiveness Analysis and IDI
Emotional Quotient Inventary EQ-i
Systemic - Gregory Bateson Institute
Psychopathology - Artec
Master’s Degree in Social Psychology - ongoing
University Degree in Psychodynamics
Master in Management of ESCP Europe
Three services, three perspectives
"Embrace the great adventure of being oneself" - anonymous

Take a professional step by choosing coaching