
Be and Become supports leaders in their missions to combine performance and accomplishment

Violaine Isaac
Senior Executive Coach, Supervisor and Founder

Driven by an ideal of accomplishment at work, she strives to enable leaders to design their own professional path, and find inspiration and self-development.

Developing one’s vision and intention, working on one’s signature, and changing one’s way of influencing a system, are the key points of her approach.

After 15 years in business, including 6 years as an internal coach, at the heart of transformations, she created Be and Become in 2009. Her coaching approach cross roads between intrapersonal field and systemic perspective and is relationship-centered.

Since 2015, she has been teaching coaching with an integrative approach, designing intervention models for the practice of coaching and leadership development. And transmitting spirit and concepts of Transactional Analysis.

Since 2018, as a supervisor, she helps coaches to take care of themselves as professionnals, and to be connected to the emergence process while their coaching sessions.

With this slight distance, and this sociable introverted character, she accompanies with humor, empathy and acuteness, and helps leaders and coaches to consider other possibilities in themselves and around them.



Paris Les Halles and Motte-Piquet Grenelle, Boulogne Billancourt

Contacter Violaine Isaac par téléphone


06 88 43 38 39

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Violaine Isaac