
These services provide a focused professional development methodology : finding one’s leadership style or going deeper into emotional intelligence, thanks to a structured tool. Being assessed to understand one’s strengths and weaknesses in order to develop oneself.

Develop Leadership with the 5 Ressources Model

A systemic model, based on the combination of leadership key factors, which allows to identify very concrete keys to increase one’s personal impact.

Two 2-hours sessions.

Modèle des 5 ressources
Développer son Intelligence émotionnelle avec l’EQ-i

Develop Emotional Intelligence with EQ-i

Provides a systemic and concrete review of one’s emotional intelligence skills, which makes it accessible and easier to work on by oneself. Two 2-hours sessions.
Assessment-Développement avec le LEA

Assessment-Development with LEA

Receiving complete feed-back about one’s softskills after going through an in-depth assessment : role-playings and a diagnostic that reveals professional dynamics, the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis. Half-day sessions.
Développer son Intelligence émotionnelle avec l’EQ-i

Develop Emotional Intelligence with EQ-i

Provides a systemic and concrete review of one’s emotional intelligence skills, which makes it accessible and easier to work on by oneself. Two 2-hours sessions.
Assessment-Développement avec le LEA

Assessment-Development with LEA

Receiving complete feed-back about one’s softskills after going through an in-depth assessment : role-playings and a diagnostic that reveals professional dynamics, the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis. Half-day sessions.
Témoignages des clients de Violaine Isaac
This coaching enabled me to take a step back during a difficult period when I was drifting from my personal and professional goals. I was working day and night, I could no longer determine the right priorities. With the coaching, I started to think about my real objectives, identify my needs, and be more in contact with my feelings. I redefined my foundations and my strengths. I found myself again, and even passed a milestone in terms of self confidence.
With this coaching I realized that I had leadership, and that I could inspire others from who I am. Without putting pressure on myself to be someone else
This coaching allowed me to make the right decisions for my role, for my executive committee and for my personal balance. I feel much more aligned with my values and much more confident about the future

Take a professional step by choosing coaching